Twitter Testing A New “People” Tab: All Your Social Graph Steroids In One Place

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Since the launch of New Twitter in September, things have been pretty quiet on the new feature front. Yes, they’re testing out a new analytics product, but in terms of features that the majority of end users will use, Twitter has mainly been letting people get used to the new layout of things. But now they’ve started testing something new. A new top nav tab called “People”.

The area, which Twitter has confirmed their testing among a limited number of users, is basically a way to pull together all of the work they’ve done with features like “Who to follow” and “Similar to”. This new area, which resides to the right of the Messages tab, is all about finding new users to follow.

The initial tab on this new page shows you personalized follow suggestions based on who you are already following. This is the same as the “Who to follow” area in the right pane of New Twitter, but it’s expanded to show more accounts at once (the “view all” link on Who to follow on the main page takes you here as well). And not only can you follow these people, from here you can add them to lists (very nice just in case you don’t necessarily want to follow all of these people but are interested in seeing their updates sometimes).

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Twitter Testing A New “People” Tab: All Your Social Graph Steroids In One Place

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